Career Interests Your Child Can Explore From a Young Age

Career interests are often considered to be something we think about later in life, but there’s no reason kids can’t start dreaming early on! Here are some awesome up-and-coming career interests your child can explore from a young age.

STEM. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are the future – we all know it, so it’s natural to want our kids to get started at a young age! The great thing is, kids these days already have a natural advantage because they have grown up with technology around them – even years ago, fascinating videos circulated the web showing children trying to “swipe” photo prints (the old kind, the ones you can hold!) with their fingers because they are so used to a tablet advancing the next image. The point is, technology is here to stay, and kids are being exposed to incredible levels of technical know-how these days – and we should embrace it! STEM is all about technology, and if your child takes an interest in this subject we recommend encouraging that spark in any way possible through building toys, video games, and documentaries. Here are a few excellent resources from Tutor Doctor to get started!

For more info on how to spark an interest in STEM subjects, check out our blog!

Writing. We can’t understate how valuable writing is as a career tool. From business to engineering, knowing how to compose your ideas in a translatable format is an incredibly valuable career resource. The best part is, parents can encourage this from the start of their child’s academic journey! Journaling is not only a great way for kids to practice writing, but it’s also a great stress reliever. Any form of writing improves one’s overall grasp of the English language, and having the ability to create well-versed articles lends itself to countless career opportunities. I mean, you’re reading this blog right now, right?

Coding. We’ve discussed coding on our blogs in the past, and for good reason – behind all technology is functional code, and this career field is growing by the day. The awesome thing about coding is that, for all intents and purposes, it’s an extension of writing – in another language, that is. Behind every app is a talented programmer, and many of these languages can be learned at no cost using free online resources. Apps are already all the rage, but the real success is found by the hard working folks creating them. Check out this blog for more info about teaching kids how to code!

Career interests are a great thing to encourage at a young age, but always remember – let your kids lead the way!
