Teenage girl speaking with guidance counsellor about College Admissions
AP Classes: Challenge Yourself, Get an Admissions Edge, and Gain Financially!

Tutor Doctor frequently receives questions from parents of high school students asking which classes their student should take to increase their academic knowledge, study skills, exposure to challenging college preparatory coursework, and ultimately increase...

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The Importance of Extracurricular Activities in a Student’s Life
The Importance of Extracurricular Activities in a Student’s Life

From performing arts to athletics, the importance of extracurricular activities in a student’s life cannot be overstated. Read on to learn more! Extracurricular activities defined There are many types of extracurricular activities, but they...

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3 Tips for Building Resilience and Well-Being in Teenagers
3 Tips for Building Resilience and Well-Being in Teenagers

As many parents know, our teenage years – while memorable and exciting – can also be challenging. Here are 3 tips for building resilience and well-being in teenagers! 1. Encourage them to see failures in a positive light. We’ve discussed...

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Empowering Female Voices: How Young Women Are Shaping the Future
Empowering Female Voices: How Young Women Are Shaping the Future

March is celebrated as Women’s History Month, but we are also commemorating the women of tomorrow! To support the empowerment of female voices, here’s how young women are shaping the future…today. Young people can change the world Historically,...

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5 Awesome STEM Careers Teens Can Explore
5 Awesome STEM Careers Teens Can Explore

It’s no secret that the tech industry is booming – and many of the most desirable careers today are found in this sector! Check out these 5 awesome STEM careers teens can explore. 1. Web developer. It’s no understatement when we say everything happens...

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Social Media In Schools – Should Parents Be Concerned?
Social Media In Schools – Should Parents Be Concerned?

Social media is everywhere these days, and parents have questions. Is social media a problem in schools? Most parents will not be surprised to hear that the large majority of students use social media. Even back in 2012, surveys reported that 90% of...

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What to Consider When Choosing High School Courses
What to Consider When Choosing High School Courses

One of the perks high school students enjoy is having a say in what classes they take. Here’s what high school students should consider when choosing their courses! 1. Required curriculum. From the start, it’s important to keep in mind that there are...

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5 Great Movies that Bring History to Life
5 Great Movies that Bring History to Life

History is an incredibly important subject, but it can sometimes be difficult to convey the impact these events have on our daily lives. If you want to engage your kids with knowledge of the past, here are 5 great movies that bring history to life! A note...

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The Many Benefits of Studying Abroad for Students
The Many Benefits of Studying Abroad for Students

If you have a student currently attending college, they may be considering a semester abroad. Read on to learn about the many benefits studying abroad can bring for students! 1. See the world. The most immediate appeal for many students is the idea of...

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Selfies and Portraits: How Photography Can Inspire Imagination & Creativity in Students
Selfies and Portraits: How Photography Can Inspire Imagination & Creativity in Students

Smile and say cheese! Snapping photos is a wonderful way to capture family moments and cherished memories. It’s also one of the best tools to inspire imagination and creativity! Read on to find out more. 1. Accessibility. Perhaps the largest “barrier”...

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