Need to Improve your Grades? Get a Study Group!

Remember that saying “two heads are better than one”? Just imagine how effective four or five heads can be! Study groups can really help you to improve your grades. Whether you are struggling at school of you need to up your game to get into college, study groups are really where the magic happens.

Study groups don’t mean sitting around texting, playing Wii and eating pizza. When a group of determined students committed to improving their academics get together, you can be sure that grades are going to be getting a whole lot better.

There are so many benefits!

Dividing reading among your study group means you can work through large swathes of material, get really comprehensive notes and present the information in a variety of learning styles.

When you present your share of the work, you are honing your presentation skills while really locking that information into your long-term memory. Teaching something really helps to reinforce your own knowledge and gives the group a chance to add to your understanding of the material.

Getting the perspectives of the other study group participants can broaden your knowledge. Together you can also get through the extra readings which you may not have time for on your own.

Start by picking the right team

Perhaps the single most important factor in starting a successful study group is selecting the right students. When setting up a study group, avoid choosing members based on friendship alone. Instead, find students who are able to contribute significantly, who are committed to working hard and who will be reliable. Study groups work best when they consist of people who are more or less on the same academic level.

Learning styles

Everyone learns differently, so divide your work up evenly among the group. Then ask each person to make comprehensive notes on the readings which they can share so you have something to use for studying. During your study group, each person gets a chance to present and explain their portion of the readings. You can use videos, mind maps, illustrations and infographics to help the visual learners.

When you have worked through the material, do some test exams together. Help each other with the questions you got wrong. Never erase an incorrect answer – instead take notes on where you went wrong so you don’t make the same mistakes again.

When you share your studying with others, you are able to get through more work. You can help each other with those parts you don’t understand and share notes and other leaning materials. Encouraging each other and helping each other to work though problems will improve friendships too.
