Woodstock & Canton Tutors
Helping Students Succeed in the Local & Surrounding Areas
When you come to Tutor Doctor for private Woodstock tutoring lessons in the comfort of your home, you’ll receive top-quality assistance as we guide you down the path toward success. We cater the way we teach to the way you learn, which has proven successful for all 200,000 of our students.
For tutoring services in Canton, Woodstock, and beyond that are guaranteed to show academic success, contact Tutor Doctor online or by dialing (770) 691-0817.

Book Your Consultation
We’ll contact you shortly to learn about your goals and recommend a customized plan to achieve them.

Meet Misty Groves
Owner of Tutor Doctor of Woodstock-Canton
Welcome to Tutor Doctor of Woodstock, your partner in academic success! I’m Misty Lathem Groves the proud owner behind our mission to empower students of all ages to reach their full potential.
I found my way into ...
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Thinking Caps Can Be Tailored
Tutor Doctor provides tutoring services to students of all ages, levels and subjects. We come to your home, at a convenient time for you to help you or your child to fill in the gaps in his or her knowledge base.
Our Subjects:

Serving In and Around
- Canton
- Holly Springs
- Woodstock
Also Available Online!