Math Tips

Math encourages all kinds of creative problem solving! From Fibonacci to coding, here’s how math inspires curiosity in young minds. By definition, math is all about problem solving. After all, we call it “solving a math problem” for a reason! But the...
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Fun educational activities can be a great way to teach math to children, and dominoes is a long-standing family favorite. Discover why dominoes is such an engaging math game for young learners! Tiles that teach One of our favorite methods for...
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March 14th is Pi Day! Check out these fun and delicious ways to celebrate Pi Day with the whole family. Prepare foods that start with pi Encourage your child to brainstorm a list of all the foods they can think of that begin with the letters “pi”...
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Parents often suspect their child is having difficulty with math, but still aren’t entirely sure. Here are some early signs your child might need extra help in math! 1. Negative comments. Listen to them - kids will often make remarks or comments that...
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Students almost universally consider math to be the most difficult subject in school, and math “flubs” are common for students of all ages. Read on to learn more about the most common math mistakes for young students! Math is a very broad concept, and...
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Why is math so hard? Take a look at the most common reasons why math is hard for studentsMathematics is often considered to be one of the most challenging subjects for students. Recent surveys report that 37% of teens aged 13-17 found math to be harder than...
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