Tips for Easing the Pain of Starting College [Infographic]

The transition to college can be a big change, but there’s plenty of ways students can help make this shift as easy as possible. Here are Tutor Doctor’s tips for easing the pain of starting college!

Buy your books early. A list of required course materials is usually provided well in advance, so take advantage of this extra time! School bookstores may have a limited stock, so it’s better to do your shopping in advance. Plus, you may even be able to save money by purchasing a used copy or older edition online!

Find the library. Your campus may even have more than one library, and we recommend familiarizing yourself with these locations. The library will be a common resource you will use for assignments and research projects!

Become involved in clubs and committees. Finding your “niche” is an important part of the college experience. Campuses can be huge, and with thousands of students attending it’s a good idea to find clubs or events that appeal to you. This is also a great way to meet new people that share common interests!

Figure out transit in town. College communities are fun, hip areas to explore – there’s always something happening! Parking passes on campus can be expensive, so familiarizing yourself with public transportation is one of the first things you should look into.

Triple check your class schedule and locations. Don’t wait until the first day of school to find out which buildings your classes are located in. We even recommend walking the route beforehand so you can get a feel for your path around campus. Colleges and universities can be big places – taking the time to explore the layout will help you avoid getting lost!

Get your student card. Your student ID card will be used for everything from checking out library books to receiving admission into proctored exams. In addition, your student card can also be a great way to get exclusive discounts – museums and theaters, for example, often provide discounted rates for college students.

Attend all orientations. Even the ones that aren’t mandatory! If you have questions about campus life, chances are plenty of other students have the same concerns. Orientations are designed to introduce you to several aspects of the college experience, from signing up for classes to applying for financial assistance. Attend all orientations offered by your college to ensure you feel comfortable with the transition to higher education.

Plan and follow a budget. Nowadays, you can’t bring up college without talking about expenses – and for good reason! The cost of tuition, textbooks, and living on campus can add up quickly. We recommend setting some budgetary guidelines for yourself in order to get a clearer picture of your financial position while pursuing your degree.

Expect to be nervous – that’s normal! If you feel unnerved, don’t get self-conscious. It’s completely normal to feel scared when moving forward with a new chapter in life, and the transition to college is certainly a massive stepping stone. Don’t worry! Once you start to settle in and get a feel for the campus, everything will become a lot easier.

For more great tips for easing the pain of starting college, check out our infographic below!

