ISEE Private tutoring in Orange County
one-to-one tutoring From Tutors Who Care
The Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) is a standardized method to assess the skills of students from grades 2 through 12. Private schools, Middle schools and High schools use the score to help determine whether to accept individuals. At Tutor Doctor, we understand that as a parent you only want the best for your child. Often, to obtain academic and professional success, one needs to obtain a solid foundation by practicing with a mentor who has previously been in their shoes. Our skilled Orange County tutors will work with your child to make sure they feel comfortable and confident taking the ISEE.
What to Expect on the ISEE
The ISEE consists of four general sections – verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, mathematics achievement, and reading comprehension. The test also has an unscored essay that is sent to the potential schools. The level of difficulty among the questions vary depending on what grade level an individual is in. Students taking the ISEE will have 2 hours and 40 minutes to finish the exam.
The ISEE assesses students based on the skills they have acquired during their academic lives, which makes studying an overwhelming and often stressful task. Our qualified tutors in Orange County understand the test’s nuances, and can formulate a test prep strategy designed specifically to address your child’s needs. We take the time out to determine each student’s strengths and weaknesses and their unique learning style, so that we can then pair them with a tutor that complements their personality and academic needs.
What we focus on during test prep:
- Time management and pacing
- Revision of test materials
- Working through nerves and anxiety
- Practice with real test questions
- Test-taking strategies
When you choose our ISEE private tutoring services in Orange County, you can rest assured that your child will receive professional tutoring to help them achieve a better score. The tutors we work with take the time to create solid relationships based on mutual trust and respect, so that the student feels comfortable. To further put everyone at ease, we come to your home at a time that is most convenient to you. That way you don’t have to try to fit in yet another task in an already full schedule!
Allow us to be partners for your child’s academic success! Call (949) 877-3414 for a free consultation.