Education News & Resources

Summer Learning Options for Gwinnett County Students (Grades K-8)

Summer vacation! It’s a time for families to unwind, explore, and create lasting memories.  However, some students may benefit from additional academic support during this break.  If your child was recommended for the Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) Summer Learning—Support + Enrichment + Achievement (SEA) program, you’re likely seeking information to understand the program and decide what’s best for your child’s needs.

Understanding the GCPS Summer Learning Program (SEA):

The SEA program is a free, in-person summer learning program designed to support students entering Grades K-8 who may benefit from additional academic preparation before the new school year.  The program focuses on core subjects like reading and math, while also incorporating enrichment activities in areas like art, music, and PE.

Finding the Right Summer Learning Fit:

The decision of whether the SEA program is the right fit for your child depends on their individual needs and your family’s summer plans.  Here are some questions to consider:

  • Does your child need targeted support in specific subjects?
  • Does your child thrive in a structured learning environment?
  • How does the SEA program schedule align with your family’s summer commitments?

Exploring Additional Summer Learning Options:

1-to-1 Tutoring: Personalized tutoring can be a powerful tool for students who need extra help in specific areas.  Tutors can create a flexible learning plan that caters to your child’s individual needs and interests, making learning engaging, effective and fun.

Benefits of 1-to-1 Tutoring:

  • Targeted Support: Focus on the specific subjects or skills where your child needs the most help.
  • Personalized Learning: Tutors create a learning plan that aligns with your child’s pace and interests.
  • Flexible Scheduling: We can work around your summer schedule to find sessions that fit seamlessly into your plans.

Moving Forward:

We understand that navigating summer learning options can feel overwhelming.  If you are interested in exploring 1-to-1 tutoring for your child, we’re here to help!  Contact us today to discuss your child’s needs and find the perfect summer learning solution.

For more information on the SEA Program, visit these FAQs from Gwinnett County Schools.

Forsyth County Schools: Keeping Pace with a Booming ELL Population

Forsyth County Schools are seeing a surge in English language learners (ELLs), with the population growing from 9.4% in 2018 to 13.1% in 2023. This influx of students, while enriching the district’s cultural diversity, also strains existing support systems.

The district is particularly focused on recruiting more qualified English learner coaches to meet the growing demand.  While various initiatives are underway, tutoring can provide valuable additional support for ELL students.  You can read more about how the district is working to serve the English learning population here.

The Gap and How Tutoring Fits In

Despite the district’s efforts, the rapid growth creates a gap between the available support systems and the ever-increasing demand. This is where tutoring steps in as a powerful tool for ELL students.

Individualized Attention: The Tutoring Advantage

  • Targeted Support: Unlike a classroom setting, tutoring allows for a personalized approach. Tutors can identify specific areas where a student needs help, whether it’s mastering grammar, building vocabulary, or comprehending complex concepts.
  • Bridging the Gap: Tutors can provide additional practice and explanations tailored to a student’s learning style and pace. This targeted support helps students bridge the gap between their current level and desired proficiency.
  • Cultural Bridge: Tutors can also act as cultural bridges, helping students navigate the social aspects of school life and fostering a sense of belonging. This can be especially helpful for older students who are new to the American education system.

By providing one-on-one attention, tailored learning strategies, and cultural understanding, tutoring empowers ELL students to grasp concepts more effectively and reach proficiency sooner. This, in turn, allows them to fully participate in classroom activities, excel academically, and feel confident in their new learning environment.

While the district works towards expanding those resources, tutoring can play a vital role in ensuring that every ELL student has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.