About Tutor Doctor Buford
Qualified in-home and online tutors Supporting Students in Buford
It can be difficult to find the right tutor for your child’s unique needs. At Tutor Doctor Buford, we make that process a little easier by using a customized matching process to determine the right fit, and by actively working with both you and your child to create the most effective educational program.
We call this the Tutor Doctor Difference. In the last 18 years since Tutor Doctor began, an estimated 200,000 families across the world have experienced that difference, seeing major improvements to their grades as well as a boost to their self-confidence and personal growth. Unlike many tutoring services that encourage conformity, the tutors we work with focus on personalized study, and will customize lessons that play to your child’s individual learning style.
Students of all abilities, grades, and levels can find a place with our private tutors in Buford. We can assist anyone, from those with special needs to adult learners.
Our private tutors in Buford can deliver exceptional results for your child, in some of the following ways:
- Developing strong time management skills
- Teaching them to create lifelong study habits
- Assisting with college applications and entrance exams
- Stemming the tide of test anxiety and preparing them for exams
- Coaching them in areas that need improvement
- Encouraging them to pursue their strengths and find a passion for learning
Whether you need a tutor to visit your home or travel to a different location, our Buford tutors are incredibly flexible and will always work around your schedule. Carefully vetted and chosen only after rigorous evaluation of their credentials, you can rest assured that the tutors we work with will provide quality service with compassion and thoughtful care.
Tutor Doctor Buford is a proud member of the following local organizations:
Learn why Tutor Doctor is trusted by thousands of parents to help their children succeed. Contact Tutor Doctor Buford today at (404) 955-8909 for a customized, complimentary consultation with qualified professionals near you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What areas does Tutor Doctor Buford serve?
We serve Buford, Flowery Branch, and Sugar Hill.
Are you still open during remote learning?
Yes! Tutor Doctor Buford is still open for tutoring services online for remote learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Visit our corporate page to learn more about what Tutor Doctor is doing to help during this time.
What subjects do you offer tutoring for?
We Offer private tutoring services for the following subjects:
- English
- Math
- French
- Spanish
- Science
- ACT Prep
- SAT Prep